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Celebrities Write to Mona (Cover Price $21.99) Special The author presents Mona's collection of over 350 notes, cards, letters and autographed photos. 399 pages. Released May 18, 2020.

Celebrities Write to Mona (Cover Price $21.99) Special

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The author presents Mona's collection of over 350 notes, cards, letters and autographed photos. 399 pages. Released May 18, 2020.

Product Detail:

     Celebrities Write to Mona is a collection of over 350 notes, cards, letters and autographed photos Mona received from celebrities while working at the Hopkins Health Center in North Providence, Rhode island.
     Her employment as a nurse also included being the activities director for over twenty of the forty-one years of her employment.
     Most of the celebrities wrote only once. However, eight wrote her at least twice like Ava Gardner to twenty-seven times as did Phyllis Diller or Joey Bishop's thirty-four times. He even called to speak with the patients on Chritmas day 2001. The patients were thrilled that he called.
     This book is a heartwarming look at many of the celebrities behind the scene in their personal lives. Included are over 100 autographed photographs.
     The author is confident you will really enjoy Celebrities Write to Mona.