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The Lost Village of Rockland (Cover price $21.99) Special Gramma Larson Remembers series with over 150 new photographs and documents. It tells her story of Rockland that was destroyed to build the Scituate Reservoir. 150 pages - Released March 20, 2014

The Lost Village of Rockland (Cover price $21.99) Special

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Gramma Larson Remembers series with over 150 new photographs and documents. It tells her story of Rockland that was destroyed to build the Scituate Reservoir. 150 pages - Released March 20, 2014

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The Lost Village of Rockland is a book of photographs and documents with captions, featuring poems and tales by Helen O. Larson. She was born October 24, 1910 and lived in the village of Rockland with her family until the City of Providence Water Supply condemned the land in 1916, by eminent domain, to build the Scituate Reservoir. Known to friends and family as Gramma Larson, she tells her story of growing up in the small New England village of Rockland, in the Town of Scituate, Rhode Island in the early 1900s. She writes about having to suffer the agony of seeing her village vanish, one building at a time. Through her poetry, she tells stories of her childhood and of the heartache she endured as "Friends and families moved far apart, another family moved, another broken heart". She recalls her school house sold for only twelve dollars. She wrote her first poem The Old School House on the blackboard as the workers were tearing it down. She was only twelve years old at the time. However, it was the begining of a lifetime of writing poetry.
Gramma Larson has had numerous poems published in the Pawtuxet Valley Daily Times, the Kent County Daily Times, and Good Old Days magazine. She was listed in The Best Poems and Poets of 2005 and the 2005 International Who's Who in Poetry. Her son and author, Raymond A. Wolf, has sprinkled verses of her poetry in his six books in the Images of America series by Arcadia Publishing.
The Gramma Larson Remembers series features Helen O. Larson's poems in their entirety. Although she passed away in 2005, in her 94th year, her memory lives on through her poetry. Wolf Publishing is proud to make her work available to everyone.